Skin Cancer
Clinic Claremont

About us

At The Skin Cancer Clinic Claremont, our vision is to establish a strong partnership with our patients, prioritising their well-being and actively involving them in their care. We aim to create a collaborative environment where patients feel empowered, informed, and supported throughout their skin cancer journey.

By fostering open communication, providing personalised treatment plans, and offering education on prevention and early detection, we strive to improve patient outcomes and promote long-term skin health. Together, we can work towards a future where skin cancer is effectively managed and lives are saved.

Dermoscopy skin screening

Our experienced skin cancer doctors use various techniques, such as visual inspection and dermoscopy, to detect early signs of skin cancer.

Same day biopsy

If a suspicious lesion is identified during the screening, we offer biopsy services to obtain a tissue sample for further analysis.

Skin cancer excision

We perform surgical excisions to remove skin cancer tumors and surrounding healthy tissue. This procedure is often used for larger or deeper skin cancers.

Total Body Photography /Mole Mapping

In skin cancer medicine we now have the ability to get AI to map your moles on an annual basis and be alerted to any new or changing mole earlier.

Cyst removal

Sebaceous cysts and lipomas are common benign skin growths that can occur in various parts of the body. While they are typically non-cancerous and harmless, they can be troublesome and cosmetic concerns.


Our handpicked team of doctors, nurses and health professionals are here to make a meaningful difference to your life, at every stage of your life.

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